Dive UK Hurghada provide a high level of service and we feel we can only do that with small groups without subcontracting out our customers to other people. We only teach in groups of maximum of 4 people and we only do fun dives with the same number per Instructor. Safety is always first for us and your comfort and enjoyment closely follow.
We find 4 is a good number to allow us to teach to a very high level although we are licenced to teach many more in a group. When we conduct any PADI Course we want to give you the attention you deserve and make sure you don’t become stressed working in a big group. We also want you to be able to ask as many questions as you like and to practice the skills you are learning to ensure you master them. We believe 4 is a good number to do this but often our PADI Courses are conducted in groups of 2 and rarely more. You will not find better tuition in the Red Sea.
When diving in big groups you will often have a huge difference in abilities. Many have groups of 8-10 people and we find it very hard to manage and to keep everybody happy. Imagine having 2 who have just started, 2 Advanced Divers, 2 experienced divers and then 2 Deep divers. The instructor would have to be looking after the new divers and if something happened to another diver? Would he be able to respond effectively and efficiently? We don’t think so but this is our choice. We always put safety first and this is one of the reasons we prefer small groups.
Our customer satisfaction and enjoyment is very important to us and we do not want you to go away unhappy or unsatisfied. Many of our existing customers like going in small groups and praise us for such ethics. It does mean our prices are a little higher than others but again our customers have chosen that because of the service we provide. Many of our customers are happy to pay that small amount more to get the extra attention to detail we provide.

Why do Dive UK Hurghada only Take Small Groups
Dive UK Hurghada provide a high level of service and we feel we can only do that with small groups without subcontracting out our customers
There are no problems with diving in large groups if that is your thing. We are also happy to take large groups. For example, we often have a large families of say 8 people and they all want to dive together. We also have large groups from Diving Clubs come over and will bring groups or 12-15 divers. This is also fine. We can accommodate parties up to 30 people and have done so many times for large Dive Schools but on a general day to day basis we stick by our policy of small groups.
We endeavour to be different from everybody else and have a true passion for Scuba Diving and showing people the Red Sea. We pride ourselves on quality over quantity. We pride ourselves on going to different dive sites every day and giving you the verity of diving you want. We also offer a very bespoke service to guests who want it and offer diving to other areas of the Red Sea including the larger wrecks like the Salem Express, SS Thistlegorm and Abu Nuhas. We also operate day trips to Marsa Alam for the amazing Elephinstone Reef and the Turtles. We also go to Dolphin House on a regular basis to meet all of our customers’ needs but these trips do get booked up quickly so please ensure you book in advance to avoid disappointment.
Should you have any questions on Diving in Hurghada or have some questions on any of the PADI Courses we provide please do get in touch. We are very happy to help and will only give you a very straight answer to your questions. We look forward to welcoming you on board our amazing boat to give you a Diving experience you will not find anywhere else.